
Pulp repository administration. Useful for tracking different {re, qa, stage, prod} environments through use of the Pulp REST API.

View the Project on GitHub juicer/juicer


What is Juicer?

From a Release Engineering point of view, Juicer is a collection of tools for administering Pulp [1], a Fedora Hosted Project for managing yum repositories.

Juicer allows you to remotely manage repositories in multiple environments such as QA, STAGE, or PROD as well as upload and promote rpm packages through a Pulp installation.

[1] Pulp https://fedorahosted.org/pulp/


We have a public yum repository set up for your convenience! We've even provided a repo file that you can place in /etc/yum.repos.d/ . From there, run

$ yum install juicer juicer-admin

and you're set!

Setting Up and Contributing

  1. Installation
  2. Configuration
  3. Hacking
  4. RpmSignPlugins


Prepare Pulp for use with Juicer

We assume that you have Pulp running already. Pulp ships with a default user whose name and password are both admin. If you've changed that, it's fine. If not, Juicer provides an easy way to do so! Either way, put your account credentials in your juicer.conf. There's really only two things left to configure Pulp for use with Juicer.

First, you need to decide on how many Pulp environments you're going to have. At least three (dev, qa, and prod) is recommended. Then, configure Juicer to use them.

$ man juicer.conf

At this point, all that's left to do is to create the backend repositories that Juicer needs. Because we're so thoughtful (and lazy!) we've made this part really easy:

$ juicer-admin setup

Now you're ready to start creating release carts!

Upload an rpm into a repository

$ juicer upload -r juicy-software ~/Downloads/juicer-0.1.7-1.fc17.noarch.rpm

Example Workflow

Start by creating a release cart MyJuicyRelease with items from the Internet:

$ juicer create MyJuicyRelease -r juicy-software https://my.sweet.host/pulp/repos/dev/juicy-software/juicer-0.1.7-1.fc17.noarch.rpm

Then push the cart and its contents to pulp:

$ juicer push MyJuicyRelease

When you're satisfied, promote the cart to the next environment (perhaps stage, or production):

$ juicer promote MyJuicyRelease